The ability of the viewer to directly manipulate and influence his/her experience of media.
Use in — Games, sports, arcade games, Video Games.
The Internet – Various links. Browsers. All Interactive.
“The Avant Garde” – People began thinking of things in terms of movement and being able to touch them, utilise them, making them move, etc.
Norbert Weiner – coined “Cybernetics”
Messages from Humans to Machine, and machine to machine.
J C R Licklider: researched Man-Computer symbiosis. Creating networks that would be safe from nuclear attack.
Douglas Engelbart – Human Augmentation
Developed the mouse, word processor. Helped develop the personal computer.
“Art should embrace the technologies of technological society.”
Examples of responsive environments – Presented as the basis of a new aesthetic medium.
Look at: (Myron Krueger – Video Place – 1989)
Alan Kay – Interface
Interactive game of ‘Pong’